Friday, August 22, 2008

Coming Soon!

As soon as I have time (Don't laugh! It could happen!) this is going to be a place for me to start writing that book. You know the one? It's the one everyone is always telling me I should write, since I have all these wonderful stories and ideas swimming around in my head.

More than anything else, this will be a blog about how to make something out of nothing. Just like the nursery rhyme Mother Hubbard, I am sometimes left at a quandry. When my oldest was only two, I remember her toddling over to my pantry cupboard, opening the door and saying, "Hmmm...Let's see..." I must have used that phrase a lot. In fact, I think I still do! How many times have I approached meals with dread, knowing that I'm lacking at least 2 ingredients for every recipe in my book?

Beginning, middle or end of the month: cooking with what we have "in our hand" is a challenge. For those of us unable (or unwilling) to run out and buy the lacking ingredient, the ability to "tweak" a recipe is a must.

Hopefully in the posts that follow -- and in the links to other articles, websites and like-minded blogs I've dug up -- we will be able to help each other stretch our budgets, pinch our pennies and make our families "rise up and call us blessed"!

So, what's for dinner tonight? Hmmm...Let's see...


Pfingston said...

What an awesome endeavor!
And I love the explanation of your blog's title "hmm . . let's see." Yeah, I do that too . .
Got to work on meal planning . .

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

How cool!