Friday, August 22, 2008

Coming Soon!

As soon as I have time (Don't laugh! It could happen!) this is going to be a place for me to start writing that book. You know the one? It's the one everyone is always telling me I should write, since I have all these wonderful stories and ideas swimming around in my head.

More than anything else, this will be a blog about how to make something out of nothing. Just like the nursery rhyme Mother Hubbard, I am sometimes left at a quandry. When my oldest was only two, I remember her toddling over to my pantry cupboard, opening the door and saying, "Hmmm...Let's see..." I must have used that phrase a lot. In fact, I think I still do! How many times have I approached meals with dread, knowing that I'm lacking at least 2 ingredients for every recipe in my book?

Beginning, middle or end of the month: cooking with what we have "in our hand" is a challenge. For those of us unable (or unwilling) to run out and buy the lacking ingredient, the ability to "tweak" a recipe is a must.

Hopefully in the posts that follow -- and in the links to other articles, websites and like-minded blogs I've dug up -- we will be able to help each other stretch our budgets, pinch our pennies and make our families "rise up and call us blessed"!

So, what's for dinner tonight? Hmmm...Let's see...